Stirrup club allows members to put their knowledge in to practice.

 All subscription members are automatically enrolled in to the ABRS Equestrian care awards.

ECAs are logbook-based and are designed to encourage helpers to develop increasing competence in assisting before, during and after lessons and a growing awareness of Health and Safety around the yard.

The logbooks are tested in-house by riding school staff and each element is ticked off when complete; there is no time limit to complete the logbook.

On completion, each logbook is sent to the ABRS + Head Office and you will be sent a certificate of achievement.


Each level has a minimum entry requirment:

  • Entry Level - Min age 10
  • Intermediate level - Min age 12 and Entry level
  • Senior level - Min age 14                                                                             


Members must be 10yrs or older.

And have completed 6 or more stable management session/2 pony days/camp within the last 6 months 

Payment Options 

This is offered on subscription or pay as you go basic.

Subscription - £10 per week – Can attend 1 – 3 sessions per week along with receiving access to the equestrian care awards. Once subscription has been joined you will be required to book in your session via the system. Subscribe Here

Pay as you go - £12 per session – Booked via the system

We run different session throughout the week

  • Tuesday 4pm- 7pm
  • Wednesday 4pm – 7pm
  • Thursday 4pm – 7pm
  • Saturday 8am – 1pm
  •  Saturday 1pm - 4pm 
  • Saturday 8am – 4pm (14yrs+) The longer day is optional